Test the new functions after successfully installing the Add-in.
1. Download This Tools.
2. Install Database_Tools.exe (support for the main application) and only need to install once.
3. Download then Right Click [Excel365] AUExpress_Tools.exe and run [Admin] as below:
With [Trial] version, use it directly without logging in.
With [Premium] version, log in with username and password.
Basic features you can explore yourself.
For advanced features, you can watch detailed video tutorials from our youtube/tiktok channels, or web documentation [for Premium accounts].
1. Before installing the Add-in, you need to close Excel.
If you do not close Excel, You will receive a warning asking you to close Excel! Let click [Ok] and the program will automatically close Excel and install.
2. If you encounter a [UAC] warning, you can disable this warning by going to:
[Change User Account Control settings] and lowering the warning level to 0. (Not recommended)
3. If a Virus warning appears when clicking OK, click [More Information], select [Continue] and continue [Click OK] until [Finish].
If you have questions or need help, email us: autechniques@gmail.com
1, Distinguish Add-in functions from other applications by signature: AU (eg: GROUP.\AU)
2, Add-in functions mostly extend the functionality of Excel functions, so they are more abstract and difficult to understand for beginners. (especially array manipulation functions)
Learning how to use each function, combining functions and practicing real-life examples will help you improve your Excel skills significantly in a short time.
3, Ex: to delete all numbers [0,1,..9] in a string, in pure Excel (not Excel365) you will need to use the SUBSTITUTE function 10 times or use TEXTJOIN to combine characters which is quite complicated.
However, with the Add-in, you can use the extended SUBSTITUTE function or the REGEXREPLACE function (similar to Excel365/GoogleSheet), the formula is very concise:
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